The Importance of Family Dinner

As a working mom, I am constantly thinking about the never ending to-do list of things that need to get done. Call the client back, do the laundry, get to the gym, quality time with my family … and the list goes on.

It’s easy to forget that our lives are a series of small events that happen every day. What is your daily non-negotiable routine? What about family dinner?

You’re Making Memories Every Day

When we think of planning events, it is easy to think about the big things - weddings, anniversaries, holidays, graduations - but what about the daily events?

When I look back on my childhood, my memories as a kid are of my mom or dad’s night routine. They would cook dinner every night and we all came together as a family.

Before you go thinking life was easier in the olden days, let me be clear that my mom ran her own interior design business and my dad was an executive at a tech startup - they were just as pressed for time as we are in this always connected age.  The reason we were able to do this nightly ritual was because we chose to make that time together sacred. 

Rituals And Routines

My parents instilled in us the value of home cooked meals with fresh ingredients, never served straight out of a box or a can. It wasn’t just the food I remember, it is the ritual. My parents would open a bottle of wine and play jazz while they were cooking; it became Pavlovian to me!

Nightly dinner was an experience of our life together, not just another chore to be done.  

To this day when I get home that same ritual is sacred to me. As a busy mom with a corporate event planning job, my book writing business, and a toddler, I hope I am instilling in my son the same memories and lessons. 

As soon as I walk in the door our wonderful nanny switched the music to the jazz and so the nightly routine begins as I begin chopping veggies and connecting with her about the day!

My Challenge To You

Make a list of your daily habits. Which ones spark excitement and which ones elicit dread? How could you make a routine to make that experience one you enjoy? What can you outsource to make more room for routines you love?

This is your life, let’s make it a memorable one!