The Future of Events - 2023 will be dynamic and exciting!

The future of events is exciting and a dynamic topic that has garnered a lot of attention in the past year as the world has began to open up from the global pandemic. As technology continues to advance, the way we plan and attend events is changing in unprecedented ways. Here are some key trends and predictions I have for the future of events:

  1. Virtual and hybrid events will remain part of event portfolios even with smaller scale in person events becoming more popular: With the rise of remote work and social distancing measures, virtual and hybrid events have become more prevalent in recent years and are a cost-effective way to reach top of funnel leads and scale thought leadership from events. These types of events allow attendees to participate remotely, either through video conferencing or streaming platforms and are more sustainable for companies looking to reduce their carbon emissions. In the future, we can expect to see more virtual and hybrid events, as they offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative to in-person events.

2. Personalization will be a key focus: Although I‘ve always thought this was key to successful events, event planners will place a greater emphasis on personalization in the future now that there is so much competition for attendee attention. This could include customizing the event experience for individual attendees, using data and analytics to tailor the content and format of the event, and incorporating interactive elements to engage attendees. For virtual events, it might include dynamic web experiences or recommendations based on a profile that attendees create during registration to make the experience more relevant to them.

3. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will play a larger role: AI and automation are already being used to streamline various aspects of event planning and execution, such as registration, ticketing, and scheduling. In the future, we can expect to see more advanced AI and automation technologies being used to enhance the event experience, such as personalized recommendations and real-time analytics.

4. Sustainability will continue to be a top priority: With increasing awareness of environmental issues, sustainability will be a key consideration in the future of events. Event planners will prioritize eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting carpooling and public transportation. Some agencies and venues will charge a “sustainability surcharge” to event planners to offset carbon emissions.

5. The experiential factor will be more important than ever: In the future, events will focus more on creating immersive, experiential experiences for attendees. This could include incorporating interactive elements, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, and using sensory elements, such as sound and lighting, to enhance the event atmosphere. In some cases, a VR experience in the keynote can be applied to the experience for both in person and virtual attendees. Imagine someone sitting at home having access to the same holographic keynote speaker as the in-person attendees.

Overall, the future of events is likely to be characterized by a greater focus on technology, personalization, sustainability, and experiential elements. As the events industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these trends play out and how they shape the way we plan and attend events in the years ahead. What do you think? Drop me your thoughts at /